Sunday, October 18, 2015

Monster Mash Movie Marathon Month - Week 3

We're over halfway through now, and I'll be damned if I'm done with it.

The usual: grade can change between here and Facebook, look out for SPOILERS (there's many in this week's digest), and so on.

Here's my grading system again:

A = Excellent, a must see
B = Very good, I’d watch it again
C = Worth Seeing
D = Maybe don’t bother
F = Worthless
+ = Superior for this grade
- = Just barely makes it into this grade
This batch of films included my Christopher Lee festival. It was ok, but even if Lee was an excellent specimen of the 50s and early 60s, my interest in that time period only stretches so far. However, one of these films currently holds the best grade of the year. So that's a little exciting, eh?

Horror Hotel (aka City of the Damned) (John Llewellyn Moxey) - C-

Back in the bad, old days of New England, Elizabeth Selwyn was burned for being accused of witchcraft. For once, the angry mob got it right. Just before she burns, Satan grants Elizabeth a brief reprieve to curse the town of Whitewood forever. Flash forward to modern day, Nan Barlow is hearing a lecture by Professor Driscoll (CHRISTOPHER LEE). Driscoll is a bit of a witchcraft buff, and Nan approaches him, revealing her desire to study a small New England town with a sinister past. Driscoll recommends - where else? - Whitewood, and from there Nan is lured into a trap that features her as a living sacrifice. When she is gone for two weeks, her older brother Professor Dick Barlow, her sweetheart Maitland, and Patricia, a descendant of the Whitewood's non-witch community, try to find out what's happened to her.

Sounds a bit like Psycho, doesn't it? Just in that a female protagonist gets slain halfway through, and her family and boyfriend have to pick up where she left off (not to mention her murder in a hotel). Released the same year as Hitchcock's classic, there are definitely some similarities between the two thematically. 
However, where Horror Hotel has trouble is that its second half is too similar to its first. With all the reveals out of the way, watching Dick and his crew follow after Nan feels kind of tiring. Luckily, there are plenty of excellent sets, lighting, and ambiance to keep the mood going, it just gets a little dull. Even the finale, in which Maitland obliterates the witch coven with the power of Christ, can't save it from this fate.

Lee as Driscoll is one of the better performances in the film, though his other nefarious co-stars, Valentine Dyall as Jethrow Keane and Patricia Jessel as Elizabeth Selwyn are suitably sinister. Jessel especially steals the show, but she gets far more screen time than Lee or Dyall. The young folks are your typical, hapless college folk though. They're oblivious to every warning sign, and probably deserve to be blood sacrifices.

Its 1910, and man oh man, has it been a bad week for the Heitz family. First older brother Bruno was found hanged in the small community of Vandorf. Then, Professor Jules Heitz, hot on the trail of the local murderer no one wants to seem to help him find, is turned to stone. Finally, Paul, youngest of the Heitz clan, arrives to find a note from his father warning him about the town. Paul attempts to unravel the mystery himself, but is constantly harangued by Dr. Namaroff (played By Hammer Horror's other star, Peter Cushing), owner of the local insane asylum. Both of them have fallen for Namaroff's assistant, Carla. Namaroff is resolute in stopping Paul's investigation, and almost gets away with it until Paul's mentor, Professor Meister (CHRISTOPHER LEE) shows up. Meister is essentially the Chuck Norris of The Gorgon. He arrives on the scene only in the last third of the film, but he immediately knows what's up: Carla is, somehow, the reincarnation of the Greek gorgon Magera. Any who look upon her will surely turn to stone. He tries to stop Paul from absconding with Carla, but Paul is headstrong, and ends up having a final battle with Namaroff in Carla's statuary lair. In the end, both Paul and Namaroff are turned to stone, leaving Meister to behead the monster.

In many ways, The Gorgon is similar to Horror Hotel. They both feature a xenophobic, small town with a dark secret that an outsider has to unravel. In both films, the character you think you're going to watch save the day is slain early, and in both films, the community rails against the solving of its mysteries. What really got me into The Gorgon was watching Christopher Lee play a hero. You almost never see that, as he was a pretty grim-looking (and sounding) fellow. He steals the show the second he turns up in Vandorf, making smart choices and having the foresight many of the Heitz family seems to lack. There's undeniable chemistry between Cushing and Lee, who, at this point, were old hands at doing this kind of film for Hammer (though in this movie, they only share one scene).

The special effects were a bit puzzling, though. On the one hand, the make-up effects used for characters turned to stone are very well done (this was long before computers, or Tom Savini, at a time when Hammer's make up and especially gore effects were held in high regard). On the other hand, the monster - basically a Medusa - is awful to look at, but not in the stone-turning way. The snakes in her hair look especially terrible, which says nothing of the reptilian tone they gave the actress' skin, or the giant, bright green maternity dress they clothed her in. Thankfully, you only get a good look at Magera during the finale, so you're not subjected to that horror for long. And, hey, it’s not every day you'll see a Medusa in a genre film.

We open on authorities pulling a woman's body out of the water in Europe. We later learn that this is Maggie, a friend and helper of Penny Appleby. Penny is the only daughter of Father (this is the only name Mr. Appleby is given), who owns a chic estate in the Ivory Coast. The film starts following the wheelchair-bound Penny, who had been summoned by her father to his estate. She is collected at the airport by Robert, her father's chauffeur. Robert seems a sweet sort, and he informs Penny that her father left just before she arrived. At the house, Penny meets Jane, the woman her father married after her mother died, and Dr. Gerard (CHRISTOPHER LEE), a local doctor that has been more and more in Jane's company of late. On her first night, Penny goes into a room she spies a light on in, and comes face to face with her dead father, gazing at her with dead eyes. But when Jane and Robert come to investigate, there's no sign of Father's body anywhere. Penny eventually becomes convinced that Jane and Dr. Gerard have killed her father, and are now conspiring to drive her mad, thereby negating Penny's claim on Father's inheritance. Penny recruits the sympathetic Robert to help her find proof of this crime, and bring the guilty parties to justice. Normally, I'd tell you how it ends here, but there's a few twists at the end of this one (unprecedentedly clever for 1961), and it's the kind of slow burn you need to experience for yourself.

A Taste of Fear is a thriller, for sure. The tension amps up nicely, and there are only a few moments in which you feel the movie stoops to cheap scares (these almost always come on the form of a Point-of-View shot from Penny, as she looks around a room slowly, eventually finding her father's corpse). Even though these scenes are technically as relevant to the plot as the rest of the film, they feel like they set the narrative back a few minutes. At times, Penny can be a bit insufferable, as she's almost inexplicably sharp about the murder of her father, and takes action against Jane and Gerard a lot faster than you'd expect from a wealthy young lady. This is somewhat explained by the ending, though. A Taste of Fear features breathtaking sets and locations. Father's mansion is especially detailed, and the camera does a good job of letting your eyes drink these details in.

But what about my boy, Christopher Lee? Well, once again, while he is the top name in the cast, he takes a back seat to Penny, Jane and Robert. Nowhere in A Taste of Fear does Gerard get menacing or evil, rather, Lee plays him as a concerned doctor, that truly wants to aid in Penny's comfort. Also worth noting, Lee pulls out all the stops by using a French accent for the character (and in the process, no longer has the same dour tone to his voice). He takes a bit more of the spotlight in the finale, but even then, it’s mostly a Penny-Jane-Robert affair. Ultimately, Lee steals the show when he's on camera, but he's not on camera nearly enough.

The Potters have just moved into a new apartment building. Little Wendy rolls her ball into the laundry room, and ends up being abducted by a troll, a hairy, diminutive, super strong humanoid (some kind of faerie, we are later told). The Troll has a magic ring that allows him to somehow pose as Wendy, who then proceeds to become the problem child of the century. Mom and Dad are a little too busy goofing off through the movie to realize that their small daughter is throwing their son, Harry Potter Jr, into the the ceiling. While Harry befriends Eunice, a friendly witch that lives on the top floor, Wendy starts visiting each stereotyped character's apartment one by one, zapping the occupants with her magic ring. This turns the apartments into limitless outdoor fantasy worlds that spawn a bunch of little singing creatures (or in one case, makes Julia Louis Dreyfus prance around, 90% nude, shooting bad special effects into the air). Eunice informs Harry of what's really going on: the Troll is her jilted ex-lover that seeks to turn the entire apartment building into a universe for faerie creatures, thereby allowing such beings back into the world. When Eunice fails to stop him, it falls to young Harry to pick up the wizard mantle, and save his family.

Look, I'm giving this an F, but it's pretty absurd and isn't trying very hard. You could watch this and get a few laughs, but here's why you shouldn't, and instead, watch its 'sequel', Troll 2 (which is absolutely worse from pretty much every conceivable angle, and yet, it manages to be probably one of the funniest movies you could ever hope to see because of it):

  • Both child actors are awful. Wendy you can kind of excuse, because she's younger, and actually a troll. But Harry Potter Jr is on the screen a lot, and is just horribly awkward. Not one line he delivers sounds natural, or even fits with the hammy adults he interacts with.
  • Pretty much squanders Michael Moriarty, who is amazing in bad movies. No one can deliver a cheeseball line as well as this man, and sadly, he is wasted or off screen through most of the picture.
  • When it came to special effects, Troll chose quantity over quality. You'll see a lot of weird, little creatures, but they are pretty much models with maybe one or two moving parts. They sing Latin, though.
  • Baffling twist ending. Not one you don't see coming either, it just doesn't make any sense. Plus you get no closure on any of the characters but Eunice.
  • Hard to tell who this movie was made for. It has all the elements of being a children's movie, but also features the S-word way too many times for 1986 to get away with marketing it to kids, and features a sleazy, misogynist creep that disappoints random women in his apartment. Oh, and its kinda racist against little people.

So, yeah. Not quality cinema, and nowhere near as rewatchably terrible as its completely unrelated follow-up. There are moments that might make you chuckle, but they're few and far between.

Joe Weber is an anthropologist, and while studying indigenous tribes in South America, he receives a phone call from his ex-wife. It seems their son, Jeremy, has been incredibly difficult lately, and she wants to pass him off to Joe. Though he agrees, Joe is currently between homes, and their only solution is to move to Maine, where Joe's aunt Clara has left him a house. Within one night of their being there, Joe and Jeremy discover their new home in sleepy Salem's Lot is a community of vampires (and their servants, whom the bloodsuckers call drones). The vampires, led by Judge Axel, have lured Joe there to chronicle the history of their race. Joe is hesitant at first, despite everyone in town suddenly being real friendly, so Axel secures his loyalty by starting to turn Jeremy. A bizarre stranger, an old man named Van Buren, and Joe eventually join forces, and attempt to destroy the vampires to save Jeremy's soul.

Now, I've never seen Salem's Lot (a Stephen King property, directed by Tobe Hooper). This film is an unofficial sequel (King's name only appears in the credits once - inspired by characters written by:), so I can't really tell you how it compares to that movie. But, as a standalone effort, A Return to Salem's Lot is actually a very decent vampire adventure flick from the 80s. Likely because of its sequel status, this one doesn't pussyfoot around slowly revealing what the town is, or explaining the back story, or detailing what kills the vampires. It sets out to create a narrative about a problematic father and son, who conquer diversity, and overcome their selfish differences.

The effects are used very sparingly, and mostly at the beginning (within the first 20 minutes, the entire town sets upon a carload of punks that are in the wrong place at the wrong time). While they are not necessarily impressive, Cohen seems to grasp the effectiveness of not allowing the camera to linger on them too long. The last third of the film, where Joe and Van Buren start systematically destroying vampires, coffins and drones, is especially engaging. Both Michael Moriarty, who plays Joe, and Samuel Fuller, who plays Van Buren turn in excellent performances too. Cohen knows just how to blend the comedic timing, and the suspense, making for a very effective picture. Many of you will probably scoff at this one's age and low budget feel, but the narrative is solid, and I was consistently entertained.

Larry Cohen is an often unmentioned director of this genre, but having now seen a good chunk of his filmography, I'm convinced he's one of the better directors of his day. He might not have the most breathtaking style, but he does much more with a lot less than many other filmmakers. If you're looking for something different in a horror movie, try checking out one of his. This is a good one, as is Q (the Winged Serpent), which I watched last year as a part of MMMMM2014. Something a little more goofy, but still rather solid is The Stuff, a cult classic about an alien that disguises itself as a marshmallow dessert, and takes over any human that eats it. All of these films feature Michael Moriarty in a starring role as well, and displays a range from him that many other directors neglect to evoke (like in Troll, for example).

In 1994, a New Orleans journalist Daniel Malloy sits down with a vampire, who is eager to chronicle his centuries of existence. The vampire, Louis, was turned in the late 1700s by Lestat, a loose-moraled monster that doesn't care much for his new progeny's squeamishness. Louis is soft hearted, and refuses to kill any mortals, opting instead to feed on rats and other vermin to slake his thirst. Not much later, Louis happens upon Claudia, a child that has just lost her mother to plague. Louis feeds on her in a fit of hunger, but when Lestat turns up to gloat, Louis finds he no longer has the stomach for it. Lestat turns Claudia as a companion for Louis, but after 30 years, and realizing she'll never grow up, Claudia turns on Lestat. With Louis' help, the pair first slashes Lestat's throat and dump his body in the swamp. He returns almost immediately to take revenge, but Louis sets him ablaze with an oil lamp. In the chaos of Lestat's destruction, Claudia and Louis escape to Europe, where they hope to meet others of their kind. Eventually arriving in Paris, Louis makes contact with a coven of vampires that run an abstract theatre. The group's leader, Armand, is very accepting of Louis, but he and the other vampires are repulsed by Claudia, who is not only in a child's body (something they don't do in Europe), but also was the ring leader in killing Lestat. And so the Parisian vampires leave Claudia out for the sun, planning to entomb Louis forever in the walls of their lair. Armand rescues him, but it is too late for Claudia. Louis loses all vestiges of his humanity then, and kills all the Parisian vampires, save Armand, who he abandons to his own fate. Louis travels Europe until the modern day, where he encounters Lestat, back in New Orleans. Repulsive now to behold, Lestat has led a life of seclusion and has completely been unable to adapt to modern times (a helicopter shines a flood light into their window, and Lestat loses his shit, thinking the sun has suddenly risen). Louis finishes his story, and Malloy scampers off to publish his article. Lestat intercepts him on the freeway, and, while showing us he's learned to drive, reveals he plans to now turn Malloy.

This movie was a big, big deal in its day, featuring the star power of Brad Pitt (Louis), Christian Slater (Malloy), a child-star Kirsten Dunst (Claudia), Antonio Banderas (Armand) and Tom Cruise (Lestat). While you might imagine some of these actors are miscast, keep in mind that Anne Rice's novel the film is based on was one of the most popular book series around, and many in Hollywood were probably interested. As it stands, though, the cast does an admirable job. Sure, no one has an accent, but pretty much everyone plays their part well. Dunst as Claudia is especially effective, and you feel the years in her character the most. Montages of her growing up with Lestat are some of the warmest (though still suitably dark) in horror. Tom Cruise, who I'm usually not a fan of, is passable as Lestat. I felt he yelled a lot for a character that's supposed to be so detached, but that's hardly a major complaint. Also, have you always wanted to watch Brad Pitt and Antonio Banderas almost kiss, but never could find the movie to do it with? Well, search no further. There are a truckload of homosexual overtones to our vampires, none of which are really addressed (or acted upon - likely too hot button of an issue for Hollywood to touch in 1994), but it's so blatant that it's impossible not to understand this is exactly what was being implied about these characters. That's fine too. Rice's Vampires' desire for blood is their new sexuality.

But where I do take issue is with the pacing of the film, and with the details you are given about your protagonists. At just over two hours long, the first half of the film, featuring Louis and Claudia being turned, and the eventual 'murder' of Lestat is very long, and very repetitive. By comparison, the second half has a lot of action, but not a lot of exposition. Louis' quest for answers just gets violent. It is really surprising, for example, when Louis manages to wipe out the Parisians because we've never seen him in battle before. In fact, Louis never displayed any powers, save for when he reveals himself to Malloy, and it's implied that older vampires are much more capable (which certainly a majority of the Parisian vampires are, compared to Louis). Very little exposition is given on any aspect of the film's details - the sources of Lestat's wealth, the extent of Louis and Claudia's powers, and much about vampiric society is left unexplored. It's all well and good to have a good looking cast and the budget to afford lavish sets and props, but when there's gaps in your exposition, it lowers the stakes, and as a result, the action and drama are less exciting. If you don't tell me how your world works, why should I care? Speaking about things I should care about, let's talk about the movie's score. It is atrocious. The score REALLY misses the tone the film sets out to create, and instead, feels like it should have been in an action/adventure film (one that isn't about vampires). As it is, Interview With the Vampire feels a little flavor of the month to me, likely cashing in on the 90s Vampire craze Anne Rice created (and later destroyed), with little regard for the film surviving with age (featuring the hottest actors of the day, a trendy director of the moment, and MONEY). Bram Stoker's Dracula is better in almost every conceivable way, and still manages to hold up. 

Three young men, Travis, Jarod and Billy Ray, are on their way to meeting up with a lonely cougar for a night of gangbanging. But soon after their arrival, they're all drugged and taken prisoner by the fanatical Christian Cooper family (think a heavily armed Westboro Baptist Church). After a lengthy sermon by Abin Cooper, the evangelical patriarch of the clan, Jarod & Billy Ray free themselves and attempt to escape. Billy Ray is caught and executed, taking one of the Coopers with him. This buys Jarod enough time to hide. In the confusion, a sheriff's deputy is slain by the Coopers, leading to back up being called in. ATF agents, led by Agent Joseph Keenan, arrive and lay siege to the Cooper compound, resulting in a major shootout between themselves and the Coopers (and, surprise, surprise, Jarod is the first casualty). Cheyenne, the Cooper tasked with protecting the children, frees Travis and attempts to escort him to the agents so that the remaining Coopers can be taken alive. The agents shoot both Travis and Cheyenne dead, however, as they are under strict order to take no prisoners. Just then, loud trumpets echo across the county. The Coopers lay down their weapons, convinced these horns symbolize the arrival of the rapture. The film cuts from this to Keenan being debriefed by his superiors. The horns were not the rapture, merely the Coopers' neighbors fucking with them at exactly the right moment. Keenan managed to take the rest alive. The film closes on Abil in jail, still preaching, but now to an unappreciative audience.

I really liked this one. While many wouldn't consider it a horror film, I'd argue that being abducted by fanatical Christians is a modern day take in the vein of being abducted by cannibals in 1974. It's a modern concept, for a modern audience. The first half plays out this way especially, and lingers far longer on Abil's sermon than most directors would both to give you a heavy earful of fanatical rhetoric and to make the viewer extremely uncomfortable, waiting for violence. The escape attempts of our trio are sufficiently heartbreaking, and each one really gives you hope they'll escape. Michael Parks, playing Abil, steals the entire goddamn show. Abil is exactly the kind of person most of us would never want to be in the clutches of, and the more you learn about him, the worse and worse you feel about his captives' chances of survival.

What Red State does that I've never seen a genre film do before is displace the focus of the film's protagonist not once, but twice. The first third of the film is undoubtedly the story of Travis, who is even warned about the dangerous Cult that lives in the next county. The second third puts you mostly behind Abil Cooper, and while he's not a protagonist, strictly speaking, he dominates the camera, and you do feel as though you're watching his story. The final third, and ultimately the ending, follows Agent Keenan (played by John Goodman). It's worth mentioning that Keenan rails against a violent outcome through the film, arguably in the face of the ATF agents usurping the mantle of villain from the Coopers. This is a tricky device to attempt, and director Kevin Smith manages it with grace. It's also notable that I'd probably rate this as the best Kevin Smith movie I've seen since Dogma. This film represents a huge shift in his direction, as I'm fairly certain this was followed up by another genre film Tusk.


In the coming week, from Monday to Friday, I'll be watching my Asian Film Mini-Festival (featuring, in probably order: House (1979), Tetsuo, the Iron Man (1989), Audition (1999), Noroi; the Curse (2005) and Thirst (2009). This wasn't intended, but it actually gives a pretty good idea of selections that came out of Asia (well, only Japan, really) by the decade. As for the bookends to this festival, the jury is still out. 

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