Monday, December 24, 2012

The Most Depressing Thing I Read in The Road Today Was...

Continuing my antics from this post here, I have continued with Cormic McCarthy's The Road. It continues to be really depressing, and so I figured I would share a bit of that sentiment with all of you. THIS IS TOTALLY FULL OF SPOILERS!

The Boy and the Man have been encountering a lot of the organized bands of assholes that inhabit their desolate world. This is basically as scary as it gets for them. These people mean business -- they are assuredly cannibals.

So, naturally, the Boy is often curious about whether or not the pair is going to die. He asks his father constantly "are we going to die now?". This has been happening since before they were in immediate danger of being killed, defiled and eaten, but has since increased in frequency.

Now, it's depressing enough that a son constantly asks his father if they are going to die or not. However, what REALLY puts it into context is that the first time the Boy asks this question, the Man questions him in return if he wants to die, inferring that the Boy has a genuine death wish. It turns out he does, because the Boy believes that he will be re-united with his mother.

Happy holidays!

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