Friday, September 30, 2016

Welcome to Monster Mash Movie Marathon Month 2016!

October is just around the corner, and so, the Monster Mash Movie Marathon Month 2016 approaches!

For those who don't know, every October I watch a horror movie that I've never seen before every day. This year is no different, and I've amassed the required 31 films, and, as of tomorrow, I'll be subjecting myself to screams, fake blood, werewolves and goodness only knows what else. I will also be writing small reviews for each film on this very blog. You can expect them to appear on Sunday of each week (likely in the morning, but I don't want to promise that).

I've done away with mini-themes this year. While I'm sure there'll be recuring themes through the month (Krampus and Elves are Christmas-themed movies, for example), nothing was chosen in mind to compliment anything else this year. Is this lazy? Maybe a little, but, sometimes it's nice to be beholden to less complicated hobbies. I do seem to be watching far more modern horror movies than I normally do (12/31 films are from 2010 or later), but I don't believe I'll be stringing them all together to watch on 12 consecutive days. I need a 70s buffer.

I'm sad to announce that, this year, a few traditions are falling to the wayside. Despite reading (and enjoying) some Stephen King books this year, I've decided to give his movies a miss (classically, I'm not the biggest fan of adaptations of his work). This is a tradition I've worked in for most years since 2009. Similarly, for the first time, perhaps ever, I won't be watching a Lucio Fulci movie this year. Other traditions, such as the hammy Vincent Price, will be back. I've also stacked the deck with more features from my personal favorite era of film-making (the 70s), after having only a few selections from it last year. You win some, you lose some.

I'd also like to squeeze in some shameless self-promotion here, and remind any Ottawans out there that my next course at the Westboro Brainery will be happening right after MMMMM2016. The course, Best of the Worst: Learning to Love B-Cinema, will be a love letter to some of the many lesser-known heroes of the horror genre. If this kind of thing appeals to you, the course is on Friday, November 4th, you can find registration here, and spots are somewhat limited.

Below is the chronological list of titles I'll be watching - not the order in which I'll be watching them. That's somewhat more fluid. You'll find a link to each movie's trailer attached, enjoy!

(1942) Cat People
(1954) Them!
(1968) Targets
(1971) Zaat
(1974) It's Alive!
(1974) Madhouse
(1978) Piranha
(1979) Phantasm
(1981) Evilspeak
(1982) Basket Case
(1984) Ghoulies
(1986) From Beyond
(1989) Elves
(1993) Cronos
(2000) Ginger Snaps
(2007) Murder Party
(2014) Babadook
(2014) Creep
(2014) It Follows
(2014) Tusk
(2015) Krampus
(2015) The Witch
(2016) Hush

One more sleep, and the screaming starts. See you on the morrow, my frightful friends.